River Scientist
Eugene P.
Macri Jr.
I hope you enjoy my site. As a river scientist I have included a number of articles to guide you on your way. By description I am an aquatic and
environmental scientist with many areas of expertise including aquatic science, entomology, phycology,
microbiology, environmental geology, water chemistry, environmental analysis, systems and computer
analysis. I am also a professional river keeper. My other areas of expertise include graphic
design, professional photography, fly fishing instructor, computer and security analysis. Please note I have
limited the technical terms. The site is an introduction for the public, organizations, and
people who need some basic information on what river science is all about. I tried to make the site in
general enough "terms" so that most people could understand the concepts.
I do research, consulting, lectures, seminars, and speaking engagements. I also manage waters
and can advise you or your organization on improving your stream, ecosystem analysis, stocking policy, base line,
benchmark studies, benthic protocols, and stream work. I've been in this business a long time. I've
worked on the best streams and rivers in America from Henry's Fork of the Snake to famed limestone spring creeks
of Pennsylvania. I know what works and what doesn't. No evaluation is perfect but I can give you honest
scientific opinion based on a long record of experience. I am a complete environmental scientist. I also
advise citizen's groups and individuals. You may contact me be using the form in column or as follows: (please
note this is a work in progress; report all typos, grammatical errors etc. to me below)
gene (at)riverscientist.com
gene (at)flyfisher.com
gene (at) eugenemacri.com
Make sure you have the title work related in your email so I my email does not delete you
as spam. Furthermore, do not use my email. address, or phone number to try and sell me something. Also, make
sure you can receive a reply. I will not fill out a form to contact you!
U.S. Mail
Eugene P. Macri Jr.
Box 877
Waynesboro PA 17268